Nuck Chorris is Out There!

Like many people out there, I was taken in by the Chuck Norris facts movement. So I made up some facts of my own, collected some of the best facts out there, made some cool videos, and photoshopped my way into a Chuck Norris Photo Album. My Chuck Norris facts site was going along great until I got a nasty letter from Chuck Norris's Lawyer. Who knew that Chuck Norris has a lawyer?
So I did what any American would do. I found away around legal prohibitions. So I redid the site and replaced many of the references to and images of Chuck Norris with references to and images of Nuck Chorris. I thought that I was being sorta clever and original with this. Come to find out, there are many other people who have written about Nuck Chorris. The internet is good and bad to myths. In some cases it perpetuates them, and in some cases it dispells them. My own myth about the creation of Nuck Chorris was out the window.