Monday, February 04, 2008

What's New With Generally Awesome?

Well, if you are on the blog, but have not been over the home page, then you should head over there are see the huge facelift. (If you don't remember the old look, then click here). In the past we publish the fake news article right on the front page. This was cool at first when there was an update almost every week. But as we expanded into other features, the fake news article became almost monthly. So to keep things fresh we have made some automated content features. Every time the front page loads the content will refresh with something from a database. Right now the database mainly has videos, so bear with us as we add in your favorite fake news headlines, funny photos, etc.

Another thing to note is that we killed the forum. If you did not ever visit it, then you did not miss anything. If you did visit it recently then we apologize for all the nasty junk and other gross stuff that got posted by spammers. Our team is too small to police a forum, and it never caught on anyway, so we ditched it. Maybe in the future we will take our lessons from the old message board experience and apply that in the future on a better one. For now, we think our engery is better spent elsewhere. If you were offended by any of the garbage that accumulated on the old forum in its dying days, we apologize deeply to you.

The RSS feed is alive again. We were not updating it for a while there (1 year +). We have made it a priority and intend to keep it up to date, so go ahead and visit the frontm page of generally awesome and subscribe!