Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Funny Photos for Tax Relief

The tax deadline is at hand. Just a matter of minutes left for you to file an extension or file a return. Whether you just finished your taxes or you have had them done for a while, or you have the luxury of not having to file, you should kick back and enjoy these funny photos!

Funny photos courtesy of Generally Awesome and the internet!  Check out these funny pics for a good laugh

Abercrombie Offers '50% More Homoeroticism Free!'

In conclusion, if your taxes have left you feeling like you with you had more money, maybe it's time to go to business school

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Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Snowboard & Skateboard Videos

Skateboard and Snowboard Videos

Generally Awesome's first film effort was a snowboarding video. As you can see for yourself this effort was a very humble one. But it did feed an ongoing interest in short film and entertaining internet video clips. At the time that Board Stiff was filmed in 2004 there was very little video on the internet. Pretty amazing how things can change so much in just 4 years. Now thanks to the video sharing revolution there are tons and tons of videos online, all with varying degrees of quality.

Generally Awesome has continued to make short films and has learned and evolved along with the genre of short clips. We have learned (by trial and error) that the best videos follow simple rules. Here are some tips:

  1. Edit, Edit, Edit! Boil the video down to the best parts.
  2. Background music spices things up!
  3. A collection of medeocre moments can't stack up to one awesome moment.
  4. Showing a little advanced editing and camera work goes a long ways.

As you can see, Generally Awesome was not a video pro from day one, as no one can expect to be. Watch and learn. Below are some cool skateboarding and snowboarding clips that display some of the ideas above.

Skateboard Time Twister

Invisible Skateboards

Skateboard Video Effects

Apples & Oranges (Snowboard Video)

Skateboarding Videos

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